natescode blog

nate's code, blog, projects etc...

Productivity Life Hacks for Software Engineers

My co-worker, Abdullahi, encouraged me to write this post. Since I’m on Thanskgiving vacation, I thought why not? Plus, writting this post proves him correct; I’m very productive. I generally don’t think of myself as very productive. I was diagnosed with ADHD. I’ve always tried to take on too many projects, jobs and challenges; failing multiple responsibilities simultaneously. I work 2 jobs, sometimes 3, I am a father of twin girls that are in school plus I make time to work on NatesCode blog posts, videos, exercise and be a son, boyfriend and play DnD.

Software Interviews Explained

Practical Software Interviews A medium article about Google interviews sparked an interesting debate about technical interview methods and questions. I realized that the vast majority of developers have never been the interviewer. Many developers may misunderstand the goals of a technical interview and the vantage point of the technical interviewer. Furthermore, influencers make Leetcode style interviews seem like they’re common outside of FAANG; they’re not. Here I’ll go over how typical software engineer interviews are run as well as debunking some common myths about software interviews.