I’ve seen a TON of hate for Tailwind. While I don’t care much about which technologies other developers use, I do care when developers spread lies because they are religiously for or against a particular technology. I’m not much of a technology fan-boy; I use what works for the given requirements. Don’t get me wrong, I still have plenty of strong opinions but they’re more about general techniques, attitudes etc and not about specific libraries or technologies.

“Strong opinions, loosely held”

If I’m wrong, then great! That means I get to learn something. If I know anything, according to my employer I do, it is because I’ve been wrong and dumb for a very long time.

This is a long post. I’ve been compiling all the ‘debunking’ points that bloggers use against Tailwind for awhile. I’m also not a Tailwind fan-boy. I like it, it seems to work but I thought Bootstrap and jQuery were mana from heaven at one point too.

I’ll give you the TL;DR at the beginning. You’re using Tailwind Incorrectly then calling it a bad tool because you’re trying to force it to work within your current mental model of how CSS and styles ‘should’ work. Everyone hated JSX at first too.

Another disclaimer, I don’t use Tailwind at work and for my own projects I prefer styled components

The Problem

Before we talk about Tailwind as a potential solution to CSS problems. Let’s define the problems. BEM on the surface seems fine IF all of the components are defined ahead of time and there are little to no changes. The problem with BEM is that your CSS cares about your HTML structure which can change. Furthermore, as we all know child selectors get involved and quickly we’re fighting with specificity.

The problem arises with 50,000 lines of CSS. For example, what if we have a CTA-list class for a call to action list. Then we want another list that is similar but show credit card benefits. Semantically, cta-list doesn’t make sense anymore.

Debunking “Reason 1: Tailwind is just inline styles”

This one really irks me. This is a lazy opinion that shows a developer doesn’t understand the difference between classes and inline styles. This has nothing to do with Tailwind specifically.

CSS Classes can:

  1. Use psuedo classes / psuedo elements
  2. Use attribute selectors
  3. Use media queries
  4. Contain multiple styles
  5. Define level of specificity
  6. Class styles cascade
  7. Caching: external CSS file can be cached longer that the HTML
  8. Have higher preformance they are parsed onced and cached
  9. Create animations
  10. Uility classes can be generated
  11. CSS classes can use child selectors
  12. CSS classes can be reused

As you can see. CSS classes are NOTHING like inline styles. Even if we make those classes fairly small and call them utility classes.

Debunking “Reason 2: Tailwind promotes ugly-ass HTML”

I thought JSX was an abomination too at first, I was wrong as usual. You know what I find MORE ugly? A 3 MB CSS file that I have to search through to find a class I need, which is probably mispelt. I cannot remove ANY CSS because I cannot know if it is used or not. So I inevitably copy and paste a class that is similar but has the wrong semantic name, give it a new name and modify it from there. YES, “use SASS mixins etc”. Sure, but that actually takes time to optimize and I’m not the only idiot touching the CSS.

A good remedy is Make Smaller Components

“too many utility classes means YOUR COMPONENTS ARE TOO BIG” ‘– NatesCode

I hated ugly HTML too. Then I realize something… YOUR COMPONENTS ARE TOO BIG. This is what I call conflating Symptoms and Problems which is a whole different post. The ugly HTML isn’t the problem but a symptom of having too large of components. Remember S in SOLID ? Yeah CSS can do too much: style, position and animation.

Besides, WHY DO YOU SEE THE CLASSES? You should be following Atomic CSS to some degree. See the component below. Where are all the “ugly” Tailwind classes? They’re hidden

  <Button Variant={ButtonType.Primary}>

Style, Position / Layout and Animation

CSS can do too much. CSS should be separated into three parts

  • Styles: font, color, weight
  • Layout: position, flexbox, grid
  • Animation

Generally we are using some kind of html component system: React, Vue, Hugo, Web Components etc. so that helps with repeating styles, plus class styles do cascade.

I personally have used Atomic Design very successfully.

You can put the long styles in a variable in your framework You can break down repeated styles (elements) into components You can, in the cases where CSS repeats a lot, make your own components with those classes applied. NO @apply is not the answer. If you’re using @apply everywhere then you’re using it wrong.

Debunking “Reason 3: @apply is fundamentally incompatible and non-standard (and largely unnecessary).”

100% agree. STOP USING @apply everywhere. You’re using Tailwind incorrectly and then calling it a bad tool. A flathead screwdriver makes a bad chisel but that doesn’t make it a bad tool.

Why are you trying to swap out CSS frameworks regularly?! That’s like saying BEM is bad because it requires a ton of refactoring if you switch to SMACSS.

FALSE, switching from Tailwind is pretty easy. I even made an NPM package so you can, called Tailwind-Eject. I’d suggest using Tailwind-Convert (my other package that converts all your CSS to customized Tailwind with custom props and shows you how much space and rendering time you’re saving). It reads all the Tailwind classes on your class or className attributes and creates CSS classes for them based on the file name etc.

Reason 4: Tailwind’s focus on design systems and tokens could mostly be replaced by CSS Custom Properties (aka variables)—which IS a standard.

So then use them WITH Tailwind!!! You supposedly use this tool for a year and didn’t figure this out yet? I have tons of variables defined.

No, it can’t. You define variables in styles. Which live where? In style sheets ! Now you’re back to writing long CSS.

You want to name and type this?

.my-poorly-named-thing {
  font-size: var(--my-font-size);
  font-weight: var(--my-font-weight);

or this?

<h1 class="font-title font-bold"></h1>

Which if used with Atom Design, it would read like this


No CSS in sight!

I know which one I’d choose. Tailwind limits what you can do. You can’t do anything janky.

“The problem is that all these tokens are defined…in JavaScript. A CSS framework. Using JavaScript for its design tokens. In 2021.” Please don’t tell him about CSS-in-JS or HTML-in-JS (JSX) !

“So for example, in Tailwind you can write class=“mb-8” and you get a margin-bottom: 2rem style applied. But guess what you could do instead? Define :root { –spacing-8: 2rem } in your stylesheet, and then write margin-bottom: var(–spacing-8) anywhere you want. As in literally anywhere: a stylesheet, or a JS component, or even a style= attribute directly in HTML!”

True. Then use open props project. But then you’re still stuck writing your own classes which will grow or writing margin-bottom: var(--spacing-8) inline everywhere which is even worse.

Debunking “Reason 5: Tailwind forgets that web components exist.”

EXACTLY THE POINT! CSS should be HTML Agnostic. CSS Zen Garden was a lie.

He has a point but Chrome and Firefox do support linking stylesheets inside the shadow DOM now.

If it doesn’t work then done use it. Again, doesn’t mean it is a bad tool, just the wrong one for you.

Debunking “Reason 6: Finally, Tailwind encourages div/span-tag soup.”

Okay, this is just a lazy point. If you’re a bad dev then you’ll use ‘div/span soup’. Tailwind is HTML agnostic. Why would more divs be created? You put classes on what needs them and many properties are inheritable.

See many still use BEM and Sass. What BEM gets wrong is that your CSS is structuring your HTML.

Arguments against Tailwind Utility class === inline styles Ugly HTML @apply no separation of concerns

We separate unrelated things. Your button being green, round and text bold is NOT a separate concern. I.E. JSX. lack of support for web components: import external stylesheet. Or maybe this is a good reason to use something else.

arrogant to try another framework

renames CSS, cocky to say designers of CSS are dumb and re-design it: No

div / span soup: Sounds like you don’t know how to code

hard to migrate: Tailwind-Eject

hard to maintain: ROFL, compared to what? Have you worked on enterprise 30MB CSS ?

It cannot do some of the basic stuff that UI frameworks offer these days, like media queries in JS (useMediaQuery). Basically what Tailwind does is compile a huge list of classes before any JS code is actually run. This means you cannot use any kind of variable value from JS. The only way to do so, is by using CSS variables and change the value of those in runtime using JS. TODO: need to do more research or make an NPM package. This may be VERY legit issue or an exception which is okay

Debunking “Reason 7: No child selectors”

Again, that is like saying React is bad because you don’t directly manipulate the DOM. That is the point! Child selectors are generally bad! Tailwind has them now, has had plugins for them as well. They’re bad because that makes yours CSS dependent an your HTML structure, which is a bad idea. Your components already define the structure and semantics.

Alternative to child selectors (in ALL CSS)

  • use inheritance (font, color etc all cascade)


Developer that needed a full component framework that added A11y features automatically but used a CSS Library and was disappointed by the wrong tool choice. Bad tool choice, not bad tool. I personally have built my own UI component framework with Next, React and Tailwind.

“I mean along the lines of html element roles, like role=button for clickable elements for screen readers, proper aria labels for label/input relationships etc. There’s a lot, more than I care to maintain myself, so having a UI framework that takes care of that for me is a big help.”

““We also follow a rule now that says: “Keep related things together” because it makes things easier to find and understand for new devs.”

You mean like utility classes? (I said this but the developer couldn’t accept that)

What about Accessibility?

This was a great counter-point. We had a bit of a heated debate about Tailwind. It was clear he was burnt out by a team that didn’t use Tailwind correctly and didn’t think about accessibility in their HTML components; something that is lacking.

So what do we do about the HTML part of accessibility?

  • Headless UI
  • Mantine (my presonal favorite)

Tailwind is a CSS library, NOT a component library.

Tailwind’s killer feature, IMHO I think Tailwind is GREAT if one is working on a large team with developers that might not have great CSS skills. You don’t have to worry about someone copying and pasting a class then renaming it and slightly modifying it. Also, English isn’t everyone’s first language and spelling mistakes can and do happen. Which makes finding a class by name almost impossible (Yes, I’ve run into this MANY times. A good reason to enforce spelll checking in PRs).

Yes, SASS mixins exist but I have rarely seen them consistently done well. That is the killer feature for me. Devs can use tailwind-config-viewer and see 100% of all the classes instantly. Everything is already documented.

Why I’m NOT using Tailwind

Some of the negatives are true. It bloats HTML and it is an abstraction that I personally don’t think is necessary. I’m experimenting with using styled components + CSS Linters + subset CSS (plugin that restricts the usage of CSS and using CSS props to get that benefit that Tailwind does have).

I prefer linters / parsers automatically checking and preventing mistake than having to write 30 css classes. Tailwind can’t do 100% of what normal CSS can do either. There are just some things that must or should be done in pure regular non-utility CSS. I’m a bit of a purist so we’ll see how that goes! I think this approach, or something similar will be closer to what Theo calls “Safety Nets” and less of “Guard Rails”.

Disingenuous or Stupid?

Let’s look at some code from yet another Medium article claiming Tailwind bloats HTML, spoiler alert ALL CSS IS BAD WHEN YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND CASCADING.

HE’S EITHER LYING and over-exaggerating to make his point or genuinely shouldn’t be allowed to write CSS for a living. I was able to clean up this code by 30%!!! Remember Tailwind is just CSS. So blaming the tool here doesn’t matter.

PLEASE if you’re gonna hate a tool, at least don’t make yourself look like an incompetent dev doing it.

You can see the original code at the [https://javascript.plainenglish.io/tailwind-is-an-anti-pattern-ed3f64f565f0](author’s post here).

The author’s disingenous CSS.

<div class="hidden md:block md:ml-10 md:pr-4 md:space-x-8">
  <a href="#" class="font-medium text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900">Product</a>
  <a href="#" class="font-medium text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900">Features</a>
  <a href="#" class="font-medium text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900">Marketplace</a>
  <a href="#" class="font-medium text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900">Company</a>
  <a href="#" class="font-medium text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500">Log in</a>

I would instantly deny this pull-request. Firstly, I know this is just an example but 99% of the time the links would be data-driven which remove all of the repetition anyways. Secondly, we CAN remove the repetition by using the C in CSS. Font size, colors etc all cascade. So we can put them on the parent. That’s is the beautiful thing about utility classes in CSS, they ALL have the same specificity! We don’t have to worry about some random selector on line 13,370 that does div > a overriding our styles.

<div class="hidden md:block md:ml-10 md:pr-4 md:space-x-8 font-medium text-gray-500 hover:text-hover-gray-900">
  <a href="#">Product</a>
  <a href="#">Features</a>
  <a href="#">Marketplace</a>
  <a href="#">Company</a>
  <a href="#" class="text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500">Log in</a>

SO much cleaner already! Now, unless you’re doing PHP and JQuery like it is 2007, you’re most likely going to break down this into sematic components. Those could be web components, React or Vue components.

  <Link Selected>Log in</a>

Where is all the ugly ass HTML you mentioned? Again, the component has the structure and semantics, NOT the styles.

Not a panacea

VERY few people anti-tailwind bloggers actually have valid negative points against Tailwind. They’re not compenent enough to development a decent argument for or against it. Tailwind is by far no panacea. Because I claim to be unbias, I’m going to give my negatives against Tailwind, based on actual exprience and understand how enterprise CSS projects work.

  • No way to prevent arbitrary [100px] values being used. SERIOUSLY!?
  • DSL still requires a bit of learning.
  • Bloated if hard link from a CDN. It doesn’t work well without pre-processing and JIT to only generate the styles you need.
  • Utility classes don’t support 100% of the capabilities of CSS (child selectors are just bad).
  • YET ANOTHER build step
  • Cannot do EVERYTHING that plain CSS can do
  • Styled Components are better in every way.

The Perfect CSS tool

  • No DSL to learn
  • No runtime overhead
  • Little to no build step
  • co-location with HTML & JS

The only way to do this is native CSS. I think a close second is styled components with some linter plugins, which is my new approach I’m trying.

So PLEASE if you’re going to rebuttal, do it from a point of logic and competence. I’m not even using tailwind for this blog.
