My co-worker, Abdullahi, encouraged me to write this post. Since I’m on Thanskgiving vacation, I thought why not? Plus, writting this post proves him correct; I’m very productive.

I generally don’t think of myself as very productive. I was diagnosed with ADHD. I’ve always tried to take on too many projects, jobs and challenges; failing multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

I work 2 jobs, sometimes 3, I am a father of twin girls that are in school plus I make time to work on NatesCode blog posts, videos, exercise and be a son, boyfriend and play DnD.

How do I find time?

A part of the answer is that not what I DO have time for but which activities I don’t do that most others do. I don’t watch T.V., I’ve never owned cable and Cobra Kai is the only TV I’ve finished in the last decade. I don’t go out with friends as much as others might. Everyone’s life is different.

Another thing, is that I’ve learned to schedule my time and prioritize which activities are the MOST important. Sometimes, not often, sometimes I can do two things at the same time, sorta.

Here is my schedule for example:

NatesCode's Schedule (Kids Week)

Duration Time (24h) Activity
30m 06:00 Wake, Quick exercise, self prep
15m 06:30 Prep kids for school
45m 06:45 Drive kids to school
6h 07:30 Work from home
1h 13:30 Pickup kids from school
2h 14:30 Finish work day
30m 16:30 Family time
30m 17:00 Dinner

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

I teach a coding bootcamp online through the University of Minnesota.

Duration Time (24h) Activity
2h 15m 17:45 Teach coding bootcamp online
15m 20:00 Break; Read kids story before bed
1h 30m 21:30 Finish teaching
30m 22:00 Prep for bed
7h 30m 22:30 Sleep

Tuesday, Friday

Duration Time (24h) Activity
15m 20:00 Tuck kids in bed
2h 15m 20:15 NatesCode projects
7h 30m 22:30 Sleep

Hours Summary (With Kids Week)

This is just my work week for the weeks I have my kids. When I don’t have them, I spend time with my girlfriend and work on NatesCode Projects.

Activity Total Hours
Family Time 09h 30m
Work 40h 00m
NatesCode 04h 30m
Sleep 37h 30m
Exercise 01h 15m
Teaching 12h 45m

NatesCode's Schedule (Without Kids Week)

Duration Time (24h) Activity
30m 06:00 Wake, self prep
30m 06:30 Free time, do Worlde, more excercise
30m 07:00 Coffee with GF before work
25m 07:30 Drive to work
6h 07:55 Work from home
30m 12:00 Lunch
4h 30m 12:30 Finish Work
30m 16:30 Drive Home
30m 17:00 Dinner

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

I teach a coding bootcamp online through the University of Minnesota.

Duration Time (24h) Activity
2h 30m 17:30 Teach coding bootcamp online
15m 20:00 Break
1h 45m 20:15 Finish teaching
30m 22:00 Prep for bed
7h 30m 22:30 Sleep

Tuesday, Friday

Duration Time (24h) Activity
4h 30m 17:30 Free Time / Natescode Projects
7h 30m 22:30 Sleep

Hours Summary (Without Kids Week)

This is just my work week for the weeks I have my kids. When I don’t have them, I spend time with my girlfriend and work on NatesCode Projects.

Activity Total Hours
Work 40h 00m
Free time / NatesCode 09h 00m
GF time 5h 00m (at least)
Sleep 37h 30m
Exercise 02h 30m
Teaching 12h 45m


I have my kids every other week so I’m free every other weekend. I play DnD 1-2 weekends per month, kids play with the other kids of DnD parents. I spend time with family, girlfriend and work on Natescode stuff in the evenings on free weekends and week days.

I have about 30 free waking hours on weekends. I can spend time with family, kids, friends, chores, do taxes, clean, meal prep for the week (usually do that on Sunday) and work on my own projects.


Only 15 minutes to prep kids for school?

Yes, I lay out their outfits the night before. They have their own alarm clocks to wake up. They know how to brush their teeth and get dressed themselves. I also already have their backpacks ready by the door.

1 hour for kids pickup?

Yes, I work from home but the kids go to a Spanish immersion school that is in their mom’s school district so it is only a 15 minute drive but then I have to wait in the parent pickup line for 10 minutes, then 15 minutes back. I spend the last 15 - 20 minutes getting the kids a snack, going over their school work and asking about their day.

7 1/2 hours of sleep?

Yes, that is the minimum I need. I avoid caffeine because it exasterbates my anxiety and ruins my sleep schedule. I RARELY get less than 7.5 - 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is critical to being able to be productive. Productivity isn’t quantity of hours performing a task but the value produced during the hours worked.

What else?

Lists, Make a list for the day, week and month. I have lists with priorities at work. Prioritizing is SO importanty. You can do ANYTHING with your time but not EVERYTHING. I have learned to say NO in order to protect my time.

How YOU can be productive ?

You can, think long term. You have to make small, sustainable changes. I gave up alcohol this year (2024), that was a sustainable change. My next change will be making time for working out. I’ll start with 15 minutes in the morning: jump rope, squats, leg lifts, push ups.

I suggest starting by writting down your current schedule. See where your time is going. Just like in personal finance, you first have to audit where your money is going before you can make a realistic budget. Budget your time and prioritize it. When I get free time or take PTO, I spend that time with my GF or kids because they’re my #1 priority.


  1. Write down your priorities. What are the top 3 things you care about? I.E Family, Exercise, Sleep
  2. Log your time. Where does your time go?
  3. Drop the lowest priority activities. You CAN do them later, just pause them for now.
  4. Add only one new activity per week, don’t try to wake up at 4am to run a marathon, cure cancer and start a YouTube channel tomorrow.
  5. Say “NO” to anything impeding you from spending time on your top 3 priorities.
  6. Make 3 lists of priorities: Daily, Weekly, Monthly.


That was LOOOONG. Hope that helps though.